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Credential and Compostela
Your Camino passport and pilgrimage certificate

First steps
Once we decided to undertake the Camino de Santiago, the best thing to do before setting off is to plan the route we'll take and, above all, gather some information on where to sleep, what to bring, etc.…

On foot or by bike
In the traditional way or for bike lovers

Organized or on your own?
Have you ever thought about walking The Way of St. James?
Nowadays, there are many active tourism agencies offering organized trips, but still many pilgrims prefer to do it on their own. Later, we will explain the advantages and disadvantages of both options.

Walking long distances
Tips for Walking Long Distances

Where to Start the Camino
There are lots of places where you can start the Way of St. James. Here we show you the most usual towns/cities to begin the Way and also we mention some others which could be interesting.